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Welcome to Raymond
2024.5.3 A new plant was set up that enabled Raymond to upgrade the quality of its traditional product line of woollen blankets and produce a superior variety of shawls and
Voir plusWelcome to Raymond
2024.5.16 With roots dating back to 1925, as a small woollen mill in Thane (Maharashtra), manufacturing coarse woollen blankets, Raymond Brand has evolved into
Voir plusRaymond > Company History > Textiles - Woollen
1967 - The Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd., was registered in Kenya for manufacturing knitting yarns and price goods of wool and wool mixed with synthetic fibres, and woollen and
Voir plusRaymond: The saga of an Indian world leader - India Retailing
2018.2.21 Raymond’s legacy dates back almost 92 years to the year 1925, when it was a small woolen mill, by the name of Raymond Woollen Mills in Thane, that used to
Voir plusMAKE IN INDIA - Raymond Limited - The Textile Magazine
2017.1.10 The Raymond Woollen mill was set up in 1925 in the area around Thane creek.. Products Manufactured Raymond produces high-value pure-wool, wool-blended
Voir plusRaymond: the complete brand - BusinessLine on Campus
2023.3.3 The company, which began by manufacturing coarse woollen blankets, has evolved into one of the most successful producers of refined fabric in the world today.
Voir plusCOMPANIES EPW Research Foundation Denim Project
RAYMOND Denim Project A CHANGE of name was long overdue and in 1994 Raymond Woollen Mills became Raymond Limited in keeping with its diversi-fied range of activities,
Voir plusAbout us – MyRaymond
Raymond Woollen Mills (Kenya) ltd., later known as Heritage Woollen Mills ltd., was set up in Eldoret in order to manufacture hand-knitting yarn, knitwear as well as knitted fabrics,
Voir plusRaymond Woollen Mills Ltd. vs Income-Tax Officer And
1991.8.17 Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. vs Income-Tax Officer And Others on 17 August 1991 AAAA AA BookmarkBombay High Court Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. vs
RAYMOND WOOLLEN MILLS LTD. v. INCOME-TAX OFFICER. Per Dr. V. Balasubramanian, Vice President - The assessee is a manufacturer of woollen material
Voir plusThe Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. And Another v. State Of
1991.10.30 Pendse, J.:— The Petitioner No. 1 is a Public Limited Company incorporated under the Companies Act and runs its factory at Jokegram, Thane. The Company claims to be one of the largest units manufacturing worsted woollen fabrics, polyester wool fabrics, other blended fabrics, woollen blankets, synthetic yarn and
Voir plusRaymond History Raymond Information - The Economic
2024.7.13 Company History - Raymond Ltd. 1925 - The Company was incorporated on 10th September, 1925 at Mumbai. It manufactures woollen and worsted and hosiery yarns, knitting wool, engineers' steel files and cement. - 30,000 shares issued to the Managing Agents for consideration other than cash. 200 shares allotted to the Directors
Voir plusRaymond
2023.9.11 Raymond, A Diversified Group Shaping A Stronger Better Tomorrow. With roots dating back to 1925, as a small woollen mill in Thane (Maharashtra), manufacturing coarse woollen blankets, Raymond Brand has evolved into a leading manufacturer of the finest fabrics in the world. Reckoned for its pioneering innovations
Voir plusRaymond Woollen Mills Ltd vs M.R.T.P. Commissions And
rates-Held appellant indulged in restrictive trade practice-. Cease and desist' order of M.R. T.P. Commission upheld. HEADNOTE: The M.R.T.P. Commission issued a notice of enquiry on. 10.2.1987 suo motu alleging that the appellant in the appeal. was indulgingin the tradepractice of re-sale price.
Voir plusShramik Uttarsh Sabha vs Raymond Woolen Mills Ltd. Ors
Shramik Uttarsh Sabha vs Raymond Woolen Mills Ltd. Ors on 7 February, 1995. Warning on translation. Get this document in PDF. Print it on a file/printer. Download Court Copy. Select the following parts of the judgment. Facts. Issues. Respondent's Arguments.
Voir plusRaymond Woollen Mills Ltd. v. Income-tax Officer - CaseMine
1995.12.1 Per Shri V. Dongzathang, Vice-President - These appeals of the assessee are directed against the orders of the CIT (Appeals) for the assessment years 1978-79 to 1986-87.The ld. CIT(A) passed a speaking order dated 3-4-1990 for assessment year 1978-79 and on that basis disposed of the remaining appeals for the same reasons discussed
Voir plusAran Woollen Mills Irish Aran Sweaters, Jumpers Cardigans
Storytelling is at the heart of Aran. Here at Aran Woollen Mills, we’re fond of spinning yarns. There are a wealth of stories weaved throughout the Aran Woollen Mills journey that we are excited to share with you. Discover our blog, Aran life where you can explore the stories that inspire our products. View The Blog.
Voir plusRaymond Woollen Mills Ltd. vs Monopolies And Restrictive
In the matter of Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd.' s case [1976] 46 Comp Cas 395 (MRTPC), the Commission has confirmed its earlier view that the stage of further and better particulars is after the pleadings are closed and on the hearing of an application for directions. The view taken by the Commission is proper, and in following the same view in ...
Voir plusRaymond Woollen Mills Ltd. Vs. M.R.T.P. Commissions ...
Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. Vs. M.R.T.P. Commissions ANR [1993] INSC 108 (26 February 1993) 1993 Latest Caselaw 106 SC Citation : 1993 Latest Caselaw 106 SC Judgement Date : Feb/1993
Voir plusAbout us – MyRaymond
The inception of a Brand Identity. By the mid-sixties Raymond had surged ahead and was leading the domestic market. Its lead over other competitors was not only due to the superior quality of its product but also because the company began a concerted attempt to reach a wider audience through consistent advertising and promotions Raymond Woollen Mills
Voir plusRaymond Woollen Mills Limited v. Income Tax Officer, Centre Circle
1997.12.17 The challenge in this case is to the reopening of the assessment of Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. We have been shown the recorded reasons for reopening under Section 147-A (sic Section 147). The case of the Revenue was that the assessee was charging to its profit and loss account, fiscal duties paid during the year as well as labour
Voir plusRaymond Ball Mill or tube mill - Schenck Process
Raymond Ball Mill. The Raymond Ball Mill, also known as a tube mill, is designed for a wide variety of applications where hard, abrasive materials are ground to a required fineness. Raymond mills are used in many industries including mineral processing, cement plants, power generation and more. Ball Mills are slow speed horizontal mills with a ...
Voir plusRaymond Woollen Mills Ltd. v. Income-tax Officer Ors
1997.12.17 JUDGMENT Judgment challenge in this case is to reopening of assessment of Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. We have been shown recorded reasons for reopening under section 147(a). case of Revenue was that assessee was charging to its profit and loss account, fiscal duties paid during year as well as labour charges, power,
Voir plusRaymond: The saga of an Indian world leader - India Retailing
2018.2.21 Raymond’s legacy dates back almost 92 years to the year 1925, when it was a small woolen mill, by the name of Raymond Woollen Mills in Thane, that used to manufacture coarse woolen blankets and ...
Voir plusRaymond Woollen Mills Ltd. And ... vs State Of Maharashtra
2. The appellants import goods into India and transport them out of the limits of the Municipal Corporation of Greater Bombay to their mills at Thane without payment of octroi thereon. Sometimes, however, when they do not immediately require the imported goods, the goods are styored in Customs Boned Warehouses located within the Municipal limits.
Voir plusAll Womens Irish Aran Wool Knitwear Aran Woollen Mills
All Women's. For the woman that treasures quality, sustainability and ultimately, great style. Our collection of women’s Aran Wool products capture the essence of the modern woman in search of a timeless classic. Each product has been crafted by us with care and is infused with Aran Woollen Mills' rich history. Filter: Colour. Product type. Size.
Voir plusShramik Uttarsh Sabha v. Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. And
S.P Bharucha, J.— Delay condoned. 2. Leave granted. 3. The question for consideration in this appeal is : Does a representative union under the Bombay Industrial Relations Act, 1946 (BIR Act) have the exclusive right to represent the employees of the industry concerned in complaints relating to unfair labour practices under the Maharashtra Recognition of
Voir plusMade in Ireland Inspired by Tradition Aran Woollen Mills
Aran Woollen Mills celebrates the timeless beauty, high quality and honoured tradition of Aran knitting. We treasure its colourful past, we value its cultural Irish heritage and we celebrate its presence in modern Irish life. Established in 1965 as Carraig Donn Manufacturing by the Hughes family in Westport Co Mayo, Aran Woollen Mills (AWM ...
Voir plusRaymond Woollen Mills Ltd., A Company ... vs The Union Of
Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd., A Company ... vs The Union Of India (Uoi) And The ... on 16 January, 2004 ... The woollen fabrics manufactured for the relevant period were cleared on payment of excise duty. However, certain quantity of the products was found defective by the purchasers of those products and the same was returned to the petitioners ...
Voir plusRaymond Woolen Mills Ltd. vs Coal India Limited Anr. on
The appellant, Raymond Woolen Mills Ltd. having its Division as Raymond Cement Works was one of such purchasers. Such purchasers, all being 25 in numbers as cement manufacturers had constituted a body known as Cement Manufacturers' Association. As per the commercial terms of supply, the payments for coal supplies were to be made by the
Voir plusRaymond : A historical profile 1925 - 2015 Part 1
2015.6.4 Raymond Woollen Mills ltd. entered the business of ready-made apparel in 1966. In 1967, they expanded to Kenya . Raymond Woollen Mills (Kenya) ltd., later known as Heritage Woollen Mills ltd.,
Voir plusNundle Woollen Mill Tours
For bookings call 1300 686 353 or 02 6769 3330. Tours at other times by arrangement: Cost $5.00/head (minimum 8 people) $5.00 voucher is NOT offered with these tours. Book a Mill Tour A guided tour of the Nundle Woollen Mill is a great way to get a thorough understanding of the processes undertaken. Although the machines are old, the process
Voir plusRaymond Woollen Mills Ltd. v. Income Tax Officer Ors.
Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. v. Income Tax Officer Ors. SUBSCRIBE FOR FULL CONTENT: TaxPublishers 'Kedarnath', 7, Avadh Vihar, Near Nirali Dhani, Chopasni Road. Jodhpur - 342 008 (Rajasthan) INDIA. Phones : 9785602619 (11 am - 5 pm) E-Mail : mail@taxpublishers / mail.taxpublishers@gmail
Roamer Woollen Mills Private Limited is a Private incorporated on 04 October 1983. It is classified as Non-govt company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Chandigarh. Its authorized share capital is Rs. 1,500,000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 1,160,000. It is inolved in Spinning, weaving and finishing of textiles.
Voir plusRaymond Woollen Mills Ltd. vs Income-Tax Officer on 31
Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. vs Income-Tax Officer on 31 March, 1986. Showing the contexts in which work in progress appears in the document ... The process of manufacturing woollen garments broadly consists of three stages, the first involving preliminary processes on raw wool, second, the manufacture of woollen tops and lastly
Voir plusOur Mill - Abraham Moon
Our Mill. We are proud to be one of the rare remaining vertical woollen mills within the UK, giving us a unique advantage to manage all fabric manufacturing procedures from a singular site. From the moment raw wool enters our mill, to the yarn production, the weaving, scouring, and finishing – we oversee each process to exacting standards.
Voir plusFrom Westport to the World Blog Aran Woollen Mills
2023.6.15 Let's dive into the captivating world of Westport, Co. Mayo, a town with deep roots in textiles and a rich heritage that weaves together the past and present. Nestled on the scenic shores of Clew Bay, Westport in Co. Mayo stands as a testament to Ireland's vibrant textile industry and its enduring traditions. From the rolling hills to the bustling
Voir plusRaymond Woollen Mills Ltd. vs Union Of India on 29 July 1991
1991.7.29 Bombay High Court Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. vs Union Of India on 29 July, 1991 Equivalent citations: 1992ECR168(BOMBAY), 1991(55)ELT483(BOM) JUDGMENT Pendse, J. 1. By this petition filed under Article 226 of the Constitution of India, the petitioners are challenging decision recorded by CEGAT confirming the order passed
Voir plusMAKE IN INDIA - Raymond Limited - The Textile Magazine
2017.1.10 The Raymond Woollen mill was set up in 1925 in the area around Thane creek.. ... Raymond Ltd. reported consolidated revenue of Rs. 5,620.69 crores, registering growth of 5.03 per cent y-o-y. During FY 2016, its textile business registered growth of 5.82 per cent, the net revenue being Rs. 2,683.21 crores as against Rs. 2,535.59 crores in
Voir plusPrima Facie some material is required not sufficiency or correctness ...
2021.5.25 Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. vs Income-Tax Officer And Ors. on 17 December, 1997. Equivalent citations: (1999) 236 CTR SC 34, 1999 236 ITR 34 SC. Bench: S Sen, S S Quadri. JUDGMENT. 1. The challenge in this case is to the reopening of the assessment of Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. We have been shown the recorded reasons
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