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Rohan Online Elf Templar Class Build (Pure PvE/Pure PvP)
2022.6.24 This is an awesome build for the templar elf, great in PvE and great in PvP. Templars are, in a sense, battle priests. They are extremely hard to kill in PvP and
Voir plusRohan Online Templar Guide GuideScroll
2011.9.1 Everything you need to know about temp is below. Stats : Full int. – dont be stupid and do str or vit. Skill build: (I took off saint strike after this ss was taken) Level 7
Voir plusTemplar guide (at last) - PLAYROHAN FORUM
2017.6.3 There are 2 types of templar: str templar or int templar. Str templar: means ur main status would be str for damage and vit for survivability. Ur main damage
Voir plusYouTube - Build Skill Templar Rohan by Abyan Naufal
#skillbuildtemplarrohan #isiskilltemplarrohan #skilltemplarrohan #skilltemplarpve #skilltemplarpvp #penjelasantentangskilltemplarrohan #fungsiskilltemplarroh...
Voir plusRaces/Used Builds Rohan Wiki Fandom
Defenders have two main builds, strength and vitality. It is recommended to level up as strength, and switch to full vitality for PvP. Templars will love you for defending nature.
Voir plusBuild guides - elitepvpers
2016.2.17 With this build, you can AOE with your normal attack. *It is recommend to have 'Almighty', 'Crazy Strength', 'Rising Might' buffs. This 3 Buffs almost double your
Voir plusRohan Online Elf Templar Class Build (Pure PvE / Pure PvP)
2021.5.7 Build stat points at level 99. Recommended Spell Upgrades: (Tree of elven healers) 1. Healing-Level 5: Heals the target for 600% Intelligence and 600% Wisdom. 2.
Voir plusPvP Templar stats - Rohan: Blood Feud - GameFAQs
What's a good stat build for PvP Templars? Mostly Wisdom (psyche) or mostly Intelligence? I know certain skills have more of a dependence on one stat or the other.
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