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Recent progress on research of molybdenite flotation: A review
2021.9.1 Molybdenite is the most important mineral resource for molybdenum, and it can be recovered as a byproduct from porphyry copper ores. Froth flotation, which is the most cost-effective way to separate Mo and Cu in industry, has been studied extensively.
Voir plusA process mineralogy approach to study the efficiency of ... - Nature
2020.12.3 In the present study, the type and behavior of copper sulfide, molybdenite and associated gangue minerals, especially pyrite, have been identified through a
Voir plusReview of the flotation of molybdenite. Part I: Surface properties
2016.3.10 Because of large differences between the surface properties of molybdenite and other sulfides, molybdenite can be recovered from Cu–Mo ores as a
Voir plusMineralogical Prediction on the Flotation Behavior of
2021.8.11 The copper ore in Chilean copper porphyry deposits is often associated with molybdenum minerals. This copper–molybdenum (Cu–Mo) sulfide ore is generally mined from various locations in the
Voir plusA process mineralogy approach to optimize molybdenite flotation
2020.10.1 The undesirable presence of copper in the molybdenum concentrate was identified as a key focus for the investigation by process mineralogy, which has a history
Voir plus(PDF) Recovery of molybdenum and copper from
2017.10.1 A copper–molybdenum iso-flotability flotation process has been developed to efficiently improve the recovery of molybdenite from Duobaoshan porphyry Cu–Mo ores. The effects of flotation...
Voir plusCopper–molybdenum ores flotation in sea water: Floatability and ...
Flotation of molybdenite was however strongly depressed in sea water at pH higher than 9.5. Frothers were characterized by measuring froth thickness in a modified laboratory
Voir plusA study of mechanisms affecting molybdenite recovery in a bulk
2009.12.1 It is suggested that the lower flotation recovery of molybdenite compared to the copper sulphide is determined by several factors, including particle morphology,
Voir plusMolybdenite flotation from copper/molybdenum concentrates by
1990.11.1 Abstract. Typically, rougher molybdenite flotation and recovery from bulk copper/molybdenum concentrates involves the use of alkalisulfides, Nokes reagents,
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